Uwe Geschrieben 11. Februar 2004 Autor Melden Geschrieben 11. Februar 2004 @Gorx: welchen habt ihr denn bestellt? Der erste von dir genannte link hat anscheinend wirklich günstige Preise! Ich vermisse allerdings die von dir erwähnten Durchmesserangaben zu den toys. Oder hast du die anhand des teils auf den Fotos befindlichen Maßbandes geschätzt (welches ja so plaziert ist, daß die Länge ersichtlich ist)? Auf den ersten Testbericht bin ich natürlich neugierig ! Zitieren
Grendel Geschrieben 11. Februar 2004 Melden Geschrieben 11. Februar 2004 wie wäre es denn hiermit www.epi-no.de Zitieren
hanjo Geschrieben 19. Februar 2004 Melden Geschrieben 19. Februar 2004 Zitat wie wäre es denn hiermit www.epi-no.de Schon ausprobiert! Nicht schlecht,aber dann doch ZIEMLICH teuer das Teil! Zitieren
Liebesbotschafter Geschrieben 19. Februar 2004 Melden Geschrieben 19. Februar 2004 @gorx: ich verstehe deine Aussage, dass sich die aufblasbaren Dildos rund werden, nicht ganz. Wie prüft ihr das denn nach? Spürt man das? Oder ist das nur ein Test ausserhalb von Scheide oder Anus? Dann ist das natürlich nicht aussagekräftig, da der Gegendruck fehlt. Guck Dir mal einen Fahrradschlauch an, den Du ohne Mantel drum aufpumpst. Wird auch ganz schön schnell unförmig und später kann man dann bei viel höheren Drücken doch noch ganz gut damit fahren. Zitieren
adenom Geschrieben 25. März 2004 Melden Geschrieben 25. März 2004 Als ich mich mal mit meiner liebste über einen neuen Dildo unterhalten habe meinte Sie er dürfte schon ein bischen dicker als mein bestes Stück sein ! Also habe ich einen dickeren besorgt. Er ist 5,5cm dick, als wir ihn getestet haben meinte Sie das er vieleicht etwas zu dick sei! Daraufhin habe ich einen nach meinen Maßen bestellt. Als wir ihn jetzt getestet haben bemerkte ich das es ihr Spaß machte wie ich es ihr mit dem Teil besorgte. Also schob ich ihn so weit rein, bis er ganz drin war :eek: Sie hatte einen wahnsinns Orgasmus !!!! Da er mir recht dick am ende vorkamm, habe ich ihn am nächsten Tag gemessen. Und siehe da Er ist 5,4cm dick. Als ich ich das dann sagte das Sie das ganze Teil ihn sich hatte ( 22cmx5,4cm ) lief Sie dann rot an Das nächste mal werden wir den anderen noch einmal probieren ! Zitieren
Gorx Geschrieben 29. März 2004 Melden Geschrieben 29. März 2004 Also auf die Frage des Liebesbotschafters: Ein aufpumbarer Dildo vergrößerst sich nur anfangs gleichmässig über die gesamte Länge. Mit zunehmender Größe wir das Mittelstück dicker als die Spitze. Im Endstadium wäre es dann ein "Kugel". Ein insgesamt dicker aber "spitzer" zu laufender Dildo lässt sich daher besser einführen bzw. bewegen, als wenn Du mit einem "Luftballon" versucht hineinzukommen. Ich hoffe ich hab das erklärend genug beschrieben. Inzwischen, auf den in diesem Thread angesprochen Zukauf der größeren Zwischengröße muss ich sagen, dass dieses Stück eine relativ dünne Seitenwand hat. Er ist somit nur bedingt tauglich. Erstens ist zu beweglich, so dass er beim einfürhen "wegknicken" kann und zum zweiten verliefert er an der eingeführten Stelle durch den Druck wieder an Volumen und wird hinten dicker. Um das auszugleichen gibts eine Möglichkeit, mal abgesehen von der wenig praktikablen 30 cm einzuführen, ist das hintere Ende mit einem Textilklebeband zu umwickeln. So wird das vordere Ende gleichmässiger größer. Dies ist erprobt und ist einfach so Gorx Zitieren
HighArt Geschrieben 31. März 2006 Melden Geschrieben 31. März 2006 Wir sind zwei Frauen und genießen ab und zu die Spielart `fistenŽ. Bedingung , absolutes Vertrauen, Kommunikation, sehr viel Gleitgel und Zeit, nach und nach einfühlsames, langsames Eindringen. Es gibt kaum etwas Vergleichbareres, wahnsinnig intensiv, erregend und unendlich nah. Zitieren
Matze Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Hallo HighArt, dann schreib doch mal genauer.Wie macht ihr das?Nutzt Ihr Öl?Wie lange dauert Eure Session in etwa? Zitieren
Ralle Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 Melden Geschrieben 29. Mai 2006 erinnert mich irgendwie an die Zeit der Geburtsvorbereitung - Stichwort Damm-Massage. Nach anfänglichem Zögern fand meine Allerbeste das auch irgendwie ganz angenehm. Nur von meinen lauteren Absichten, ihr ja eigentlich nur helfen zu wollen, war sie später nicht mehr überzeugt. Denn das ganze Massieren und Dehnen mit dem schön duftenden Calendula-Öl machte mich jedesmal so scharf, dass anschließend nicht mehr nur meine Finger im Spiel waren ... Aber sowas nur halt so ... hm ... nicht mein Ding Zitieren
js1 Geschrieben 16. Februar 2011 Melden Geschrieben 16. Februar 2011 Am 4.2.2003 um 14:52 schrieb Esther: Nicht wirklich! Sagen wirs mal so. Ich hab noch keinen mann und keinen doldo/vibi gefunden, der zu groß für mich war... Ich glaub da brauch ich nicht irgendwelche colaflaschen oder auberginen missbrauchen Ich bin zwar keine Frau und kann nicht einschätzen wie es ist etwas sehr sehr Großes einzuführen, aber ich stimme Dir zu. Schließlich macht man das Ganze ja um Spaß und ein tolles Gefühl dabei zu haben und nicht um unter allen Umständen etwas in sich hineinzustecken um Rekorde zu brechen. Schließlich ißt man ja auch keine ganze 3-Etagen Torte, auch dann nicht wenn man ganz toll auf Kuchen steht. Zitieren
Weltraumputze Geschrieben 11. April 2011 Melden Geschrieben 11. April 2011 Ich habe mich auf meine erste Geburt mit einem Pump-Dildo vorbereitet. Hat super funktioniert, habe keine Geburtsverletzungen gehabt! Bei dem "Training" habe ich das Nützliche mit dem Angenehmen kombiniert, da ich eh ständig rattig und mein Mann viel weg war, kam das zwangsläufig. Da ich die totale Kontrolle hatte war das schon ok, aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das in fremde Hände zu geben. Und ehrlich gesagt, nach der Geburt bin ich immer noch weiter als vorher, obwohl das jetzt auch schon einige Monate her ist, und das muß ich echt nicht forcieren. Mein Mann ist normal bestückt und das war schon vorher nicht so supereng für ihn, da könnt ihr euch denken wie es jetzt ist. Grad noch ok quasi. Wobei es schon besser geworden ist, am Anfang war es echt deutlich zu merken. Allerdings wird es auch Zeit daß ich mal die Smartballs aus der Schublade hole, ich vergesse das immer. Zitieren
fenston Geschrieben 17. April 2011 Melden Geschrieben 17. April 2011 Am 11.4.2011 um 20:58 schrieb Weltraumputze: Allerdings wird es auch Zeit daß ich mal die Smartballs aus der Schublade hole, ich vergesse das immer. Jepp, genau - und wenn du die SmartBalls schon wieder halten kannst, dann kann es ja sooo schlimm nicht sein. Ist sowieso schön, wenn Sie es aktiv enger macht und man sozusagen ein bisschen gehalten wird ;) Zitieren
Braagar Geschrieben 13. Mai 2011 Melden Geschrieben 13. Mai 2011 (bearbeitet) Hallo ihr Lieben, ich hatte in meinem 49er Leben 3 Frauen, die es mochtengroße Dinge in sich auf zu nehmen. Mit keiner dieser Frauen habe ich vorherdarüber gesprochen oder so etwas angeregt. Es hat sich immer in Aktion" ergeben. Die Dildos sind im Lauf der Zeitimmer größer geworden und der Spaß damit hat sich auch vergrößert. Sicher war das auch eine Art Dehnung, aber das war nur ein Spielerisches Ergebnis Obwohl ich bei allen Dreien von Anfang an immer den Eindruck hatte das Sie das in jedem Fall ablehnen würden, waren Sie am Ende total begeistert. Ich denke es ist unmöglich bei JEDER Frau ein 6cm Teil rein zu würgen und dann Begeisterungsschreiezu bekommen. Ich glaube aber das es bei einigen Frauen eine Frage der Geduld und des Einfühlungsvermögens ist, um Sie so auf die Spitze zu treiben. Nun wird ein großer Teil meiner männlichen Mitschreiber sagen was soll ich mit ner Frau wo Mann ne Gurke in einen Hausflur wirft". Das ist sicher eine Sache der Einstellung. Ich mag es, wenn es nicht so eng ist. Wenn ich von Ihrer weichen Haut nur zart gestreichelt werde. Es lässt mir mehr Zeit Sie zu genießen und Sie hat nicht WENIGER von mir. Sicher stehe ich darauf meine Partnerin intensiv zu füllen,es dürfen bei mir auch meine Hand oder andere größere Dinge sein. Gruß Bearbeitet 13. Mai 2011 von Braagar Zitieren
DetOffelL Geschrieben 31. Juli 2011 Melden Geschrieben 31. Juli 2011 Gday Folks, Just became a member of www.lovetoytest.net. I am thinking this can be a proper place to share our ideas and as well as views. However is "Partnerschaft Stellungstipps und guter Sex" is the correct place to submit off topic? When we chat about risk-free intercourse we do not imply to kill the passion and intimacy from your existence. It in fact suggests avoiding and protecting you from the sexually transmitted illnesses and lessening the threat of acquiring the infection. Safe intercourse safeguards you versus unintended pregnancy and some common STDs that can be transmitted for the duration of intercourse, for illustration chlamydia and gonorrhoea. HIV infection is transmitted generally via vaginal or anal intercourse devoid of a condom. Protected intercourse stops you from sexually transmitted conditions and HIV. If you have had anal, oral or vaginal intercourse and if you have shared needles then you are at a risk of HIV infection. You can enormously decrease the chance element of acquiring HIV infection as a result of sexual intercourse by understanding and practicing safer sex. HIV infection is distribute as a result of body fluids like as semen, blood, and vaginal/cervical secretions. Sexual actions that include direct get hold of with semen, blood, or vaginal/cervical secretions are dangerous and can lead to HIV infection. When intercourse companion take precautions it minimizes the prospect of immediate get in touch with with individuals fluids and make sex safer. Safe and sound sex is critical so as to secure the two the partners from the incurable sexually transmitted illnesses. For that reason it is necessary for the partners to sit together and go over what birth regulate methods they would opt for. It is also critical to focus on if both of the companion is at a possibility of an STDs. Though it is a fragile and complicated difficulty to talk on nevertheless it is critical. Therefore it is quite important to search for the right instant to talk on the matter. It is also important to be sincere with each other and equally important to be frank with every other. If any of the partners is sexually contaminated then he or she need to be bold ample to inform it to the companion and consider important precautions. Usually individuals hesitate and do not notify their sex partners about it if they have an HIV or STDs which is in fact a heinous crime. Each the couples will need to sit collectively and make decisions as to what precautions they are likely to take. There are a number of birth command alternatives. Amongst the numerous choices the use of condoms is a great selection as they are really successful if applied appropriately. They give a lot more than 90% protection in opposition to sexually transmitted illnesses. The condoms have other rewards this kind of as they do not necessitate a prescription and are simply offered at the drug outlets and vending machines. There are other substitute that also can be made use of like the pill, IUDs, diaphragms, cervical caps, foam, a sponge, Norplant or Depo-Provera, all these are powerful in avoiding pregnancy but the DO NOT stop STDs. Safer intercourse usually means remaining staying healthful and currently being good plenty of to protect and protect against from unplanned pregnancy and sexual health conditions. It suggests savoring intercourse to the fullest and at the exact time displaying respect and care for every other. Harmless sex is important as well-being arrives previously mentioned enjoyment and we owe a accountability in direction of are partners and the culture. | Pretty much 3-4 a long time in the past, folks would have sex with numerous partners with no worrying about deadly ailments. They would not even use condoms. However, right after the spread of deadly ailments like AIDS, Hepatitis-B and similar infections, people have turn out to be more worried about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In this document, we want to see how risk-free is what we name risk-free-sex? It is nearly out of the question to steer clear of sex and therefore we need to learn about probable risks of it. We will know about hazards and feasible workarounds to limit individuals threats. Numerous people believe that that the phrase 'safe-sex' is equivalent to employing a condom. Regrettably the comprehension is not appropriate and this kind of assumption could possibly even grow the spread of sexually transmitted illnesses. People today might believe they have insured by themselves in opposition to STDs with a condom and include on their own with unsafe partners. Condoms are not a hundred% efficient. They might break and cause pregnancy or even disorder transfer. Even so, making use of condom is certainly suggested and it will bring down the danger of infection significantly. We do not want to deny that condoms are a extremely successful defense. But STDs might be transferred not only from sexual organs, but also from other areas of the human body like as mouth. As an example scenarios have been noticed in which AIDS virus has been transferred by oral intercourse. AIDS virus exists in vaginal fluids and in case of the accidents in mouth or skin, infection might take place. In addition if there are injuries and blood in the mouth of the oral sex giver and no defense is utilised, the virus can be transferred once again. If you are sexually lively or you guess you may well have sex, be positive to have a condom with all by yourself. Discover how to use it accurately and do not forget to use it. It will just take 30 seconds to put on a condom when keeping away from it might have an effect on your full living. Initially rule and the most essential an individual, is to use a condom when having sex. If you are a female, do not concur on possessing intercourse with out a condom at any circumstances. Having sex with multiple persons at a time employing a single condom is also very hazardous and unacceptable. It is very vital to have medical checks previous to beginning a romantic relationship specifically a long phrase a single which will increase the amount of sexual encounters and threat of sickness transfer. Also just take in mind that some of the ailments need time to seem on assessments immediately after the infection. For instance AIDS infection could possibly get three months to be detected. Men and women which have sexual connection with numerous partners and people partners might have sex with other partners are in substantial threat. This is because a single unhealthy person could possibly transfer the sickness to the whole chain really quickly. Those obtaining sex with a single associate have a extremely decrease threat of getting contaminated (unless one particular of the partners has these sexual relationship). If you have youthful young children in property, we propose you to train them about previously mentioned mentioned information and facts or at least provide it to them. Educating young and unaware persons is possibly the most efficient strategy of decreasing the distribute of risky sexually transferred illnesses. Young individuals want to know the implications of possessing dangerous relationships. Knowledge this significant position may well conserve their lives. There are lots of persons who don't see the point of owning harmless sex and they argue that it normally takes away the pleasure of making like. They are deeply mistaken simply because unsafe sex, specially with unstable partners can pose a great deal of threats to one's overall health. HIV and sexual transmitted ailments are one particular of the most significant risks, not to mention the reality that there are numerous adult females who want to prevent pregnancy. Staying healthy and balanced and making confident you never conceive infants can only be done by adopting and placing in practice suggestions and methods for secure sex. The very first move is to get knowledgeable about what safe and sound sex means and about how to keep away from distinctive threats. You will need to do this irregardless of the simple fact that you are a guy or a female for the reason that safe and sound intercourse is the accountability of equally partners. It is not at all enough to know what you are intended to do for defending all by yourself of HIV, STDs and an unwelcome pregnancy you also have to put that information and facts into apply. In purchase to be in a position to delight in safer intercourse, you have to know the cases in which viruses and diseases are transmitted. Several believe that oral sex is safer and it can't infect anyone with HIV. Points are different because primarily if you have sores or open up in juries in your mouth, you are incredibly very likely to get HIV from an contaminated partner by training oral sex. Unprotected anal intercourse can also spread the virus and other infections. Dental dam is a way of training safer sex mainly because it keeps you away from all the infections and virus that can be transmitted via oral stimulation or sex. It is created of latex and it can simply be observed in drugstores. Condoms are also one particular of the safest protective strategies. The most productive ones are built of latex. When utilizing condoms for safer sex, you have to pay out good focus to sporting them properly because in any other case they might not supply any defense at all. It is in no way protected to use the same condom for practicing the two vaginal and oral or anal intercourse. Lubricants are advisable to be employed for the reason that they avert condoms for breaking. Other contraceptive procedures, like the supplements or the diaphragm are in fact guarding the girl in opposition to unwelcome pregnancy, but they depart the partners subjected to both equally HIV and other sexual transmitted illnesses. Sex is a thing that human beings cannot live without at all, but it also involves the danger of contacting a Sexually Transmitted Disorder (STDs) or an unplanned pregnancy. This is wherever secure sex arrives into the picture. Secure sex is the apply of sexual intercourse with total defense in order to avert STDs or pregnancy and delight in the pleasure of sex as very well. Risk-free sex in no way dampens or deteriorates the satisfaction aspect, in fact it adds confidence in the few so that they can delight in the second devoid of imagining about all individuals nasty stuffs. Your body is at a possibility of contacting sexually transmitted illnesses when there is an trade of bodily fluids like semen, vaginal secretion or blood. These conditions are highly hazardous and may well be living threatening. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is 1 this kind of incurable illness that is transmitted sexually. Other STDs incorporate hepatitis-B, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Now the problem arises, how can you avoid contacting these kinds of conditions? Amongst the options, the ideal possibility is abstinence. Abstinence is the practice of not indulging in any sexual exercise with everyone at all and for this reason, the risk of trade of human body fluids by means of intercourse is nil. This technique is 100% efficient but not at all practical. The escorts london future selection is to use a condom. A condom is a skinny latex sheath that covers the penis and prevents the contact of genital fluids by acting as a barrier involving them. Male condoms are fairly affordable and easily accessible in all drug suppliers and even vending machines. There are also female condoms that cover the complete vaginal wall but these are pricey and not very easily accessible. The use of condoms cuts the danger of contacting a illness by 90% and and that of pregnancy by 95%. One should be dedicated in a connection and have sexual relation with only a person partner. Make guaranteed that your associate is cost-free from any STDs in advance of entering into a sexual relationship with him/her. Keep away from sexual flings with total strangers and sex workers as these improve the danger of contacting such conditions. Try to remember, condoms are not 100% helpful. To keep away from undesired pregnancies adult females can also use birth regulate tablets, IUDs, diaphragms and so forth. Recall, if you want to have a pressure-no cost intercourse daily life, then safe and sound sex is a will need to. In no way does it consider away the enjoyment from you, instead it presents you confidence and peace of mind. Zitieren
volvo Geschrieben 8. August 2011 Melden Geschrieben 8. August 2011 Am 31.7.2011 um 22:23 schrieb DetOffelL: Gday Folks, Just became a member of www.lovetoytest.net. I am thinking this can be a proper place to share our ideas and as well as views. However is "Partnerschaft Stellungstipps und guter Sex" is the correct place to submit off topic? When we chat about risk-free intercourse we do not imply to kill the passion and intimacy from your existence. It in fact suggests avoiding and protecting you from the sexually transmitted illnesses and lessening the threat of acquiring the infection. Safe intercourse safeguards you versus unintended pregnancy and some common STDs that can be transmitted for the duration of intercourse, for illustration chlamydia and gonorrhoea. HIV infection is transmitted generally via vaginal or anal intercourse devoid of a condom. Protected intercourse stops you from sexually transmitted conditions and HIV. If you have had anal, oral or vaginal intercourse and if you have shared needles then you are at a risk of HIV infection. You can enormously decrease the chance element of acquiring HIV infection as a result of sexual intercourse by understanding and practicing safer sex. HIV infection is distribute as a result of body fluids like as semen, blood, and vaginal/cervical secretions. Sexual actions that include direct get hold of with semen, blood, or vaginal/cervical secretions are dangerous and can lead to HIV infection. When intercourse companion take precautions it minimizes the prospect of immediate get in touch with with individuals fluids and make sex safer. Safe and sound sex is critical so as to secure the two the partners from the incurable sexually transmitted illnesses. For that reason it is necessary for the partners to sit together and go over what birth regulate methods they would opt for. It is also critical to focus on if both of the companion is at a possibility of an STDs. Though it is a fragile and complicated difficulty to talk on nevertheless it is critical. Therefore it is quite important to search for the right instant to talk on the matter. It is also important to be sincere with each other and equally important to be frank with every other. If any of the partners is sexually contaminated then he or she need to be bold ample to inform it to the companion and consider important precautions. Usually individuals hesitate and do not notify their sex partners about it if they have an HIV or STDs which is in fact a heinous crime. Each the couples will need to sit collectively and make decisions as to what precautions they are likely to take. There are a number of birth command alternatives. Amongst the numerous choices the use of condoms is a great selection as they are really successful if applied appropriately. They give a lot more than 90% protection in opposition to sexually transmitted illnesses. The condoms have other rewards this kind of as they do not necessitate a prescription and are simply offered at the drug outlets and vending machines. There are other substitute that also can be made use of like the pill, IUDs, diaphragms, cervical caps, foam, a sponge, Norplant or Depo-Provera, all these are powerful in avoiding pregnancy but the DO NOT stop STDs. Safer intercourse usually means remaining staying healthful and currently being good plenty of to protect and protect against from unplanned pregnancy and sexual health conditions. It suggests savoring intercourse to the fullest and at the exact time displaying respect and care for every other. Harmless sex is important as well-being arrives previously mentioned enjoyment and we owe a accountability in direction of are partners and the culture. | Pretty much 3-4 a long time in the past, folks would have sex with numerous partners with no worrying about deadly ailments. They would not even use condoms. However, right after the spread of deadly ailments like AIDS, Hepatitis-B and similar infections, people have turn out to be more worried about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In this document, we want to see how risk-free is what we name risk-free-sex? It is nearly out of the question to steer clear of sex and therefore we need to learn about probable risks of it. We will know about hazards and feasible workarounds to limit individuals threats. Numerous people believe that that the phrase 'safe-sex' is equivalent to employing a condom. Regrettably the comprehension is not appropriate and this kind of assumption could possibly even grow the spread of sexually transmitted illnesses. People today might believe they have insured by themselves in opposition to STDs with a condom and include on their own with unsafe partners. Condoms are not a hundred% efficient. They might break and cause pregnancy or even disorder transfer. Even so, making use of condom is certainly suggested and it will bring down the danger of infection significantly. We do not want to deny that condoms are a extremely successful defense. But STDs might be transferred not only from sexual organs, but also from other areas of the human body like as mouth. As an example scenarios have been noticed in which AIDS virus has been transferred by oral intercourse. AIDS virus exists in vaginal fluids and in case of the accidents in mouth or skin, infection might take place. In addition if there are injuries and blood in the mouth of the oral sex giver and no defense is utilised, the virus can be transferred once again. If you are sexually lively or you guess you may well have sex, be positive to have a condom with all by yourself. Discover how to use it accurately and do not forget to use it. It will just take 30 seconds to put on a condom when keeping away from it might have an effect on your full living. Initially rule and the most essential an individual, is to use a condom when having sex. If you are a female, do not concur on possessing intercourse with out a condom at any circumstances. Having sex with multiple persons at a time employing a single condom is also very hazardous and unacceptable. It is very vital to have medical checks previous to beginning a romantic relationship specifically a long phrase a single which will increase the amount of sexual encounters and threat of sickness transfer. Also just take in mind that some of the ailments need time to seem on assessments immediately after the infection. For instance AIDS infection could possibly get three months to be detected. Men and women which have sexual connection with numerous partners and people partners might have sex with other partners are in substantial threat. This is because a single unhealthy person could possibly transfer the sickness to the whole chain really quickly. Those obtaining sex with a single associate have a extremely decrease threat of getting contaminated (unless one particular of the partners has these sexual relationship). If you have youthful young children in property, we propose you to train them about previously mentioned mentioned information and facts or at least provide it to them. Educating young and unaware persons is possibly the most efficient strategy of decreasing the distribute of risky sexually transferred illnesses. Young individuals want to know the implications of possessing dangerous relationships. Knowledge this significant position may well conserve their lives. There are lots of persons who don't see the point of owning harmless sex and they argue that it normally takes away the pleasure of making like. They are deeply mistaken simply because unsafe sex, specially with unstable partners can pose a great deal of threats to one's overall health. HIV and sexual transmitted ailments are one particular of the most significant risks, not to mention the reality that there are numerous adult females who want to prevent pregnancy. Staying healthy and balanced and making confident you never conceive infants can only be done by adopting and placing in practice suggestions and methods for secure sex. The very first move is to get knowledgeable about what safe and sound sex means and about how to keep away from distinctive threats. You will need to do this irregardless of the simple fact that you are a guy or a female for the reason that safe and sound intercourse is the accountability of equally partners. It is not at all enough to know what you are intended to do for defending all by yourself of HIV, STDs and an unwelcome pregnancy you also have to put that information and facts into apply. In purchase to be in a position to delight in safer intercourse, you have to know the cases in which viruses and diseases are transmitted. Several believe that oral sex is safer and it can't infect anyone with HIV. Points are different because primarily if you have sores or open up in juries in your mouth, you are incredibly very likely to get HIV from an contaminated partner by training oral sex. Unprotected anal intercourse can also spread the virus and other infections. Dental dam is a way of training safer sex mainly because it keeps you away from all the infections and virus that can be transmitted via oral stimulation or sex. It is created of latex and it can simply be observed in drugstores. Condoms are also one particular of the safest protective strategies. The most productive ones are built of latex. When utilizing condoms for safer sex, you have to pay out good focus to sporting them properly because in any other case they might not supply any defense at all. It is in no way protected to use the same condom for practicing the two vaginal and oral or anal intercourse. Lubricants are advisable to be employed for the reason that they avert condoms for breaking. Other contraceptive procedures, like the supplements or the diaphragm are in fact guarding the girl in opposition to unwelcome pregnancy, but they depart the partners subjected to both equally HIV and other sexual transmitted illnesses. Sex is a thing that human beings cannot live without at all, but it also involves the danger of contacting a Sexually Transmitted Disorder (STDs) or an unplanned pregnancy. This is wherever secure sex arrives into the picture. Secure sex is the apply of sexual intercourse with total defense in order to avert STDs or pregnancy and delight in the pleasure of sex as very well. Risk-free sex in no way dampens or deteriorates the satisfaction aspect, in fact it adds confidence in the few so that they can delight in the second devoid of imagining about all individuals nasty stuffs. Your body is at a possibility of contacting sexually transmitted illnesses when there is an trade of bodily fluids like semen, vaginal secretion or blood. These conditions are highly hazardous and may well be living threatening. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is 1 this kind of incurable illness that is transmitted sexually. Other STDs incorporate hepatitis-B, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Now the problem arises, how can you avoid contacting these kinds of conditions? Amongst the options, the ideal possibility is abstinence. Abstinence is the practice of not indulging in any sexual exercise with everyone at all and for this reason, the risk of trade of human body fluids by means of intercourse is nil. This technique is 100% efficient but not at all practical. The escorts london future selection is to use a condom. A condom is a skinny latex sheath that covers the penis and prevents the contact of genital fluids by acting as a barrier involving them. Male condoms are fairly affordable and easily accessible in all drug suppliers and even vending machines. There are also female condoms that cover the complete vaginal wall but these are pricey and not very easily accessible. The use of condoms cuts the danger of contacting a illness by 90% and and that of pregnancy by 95%. One should be dedicated in a connection and have sexual relation with only a person partner. Make guaranteed that your associate is cost-free from any STDs in advance of entering into a sexual relationship with him/her. Keep away from sexual flings with total strangers and sex workers as these improve the danger of contacting such conditions. Try to remember, condoms are not 100% helpful. To keep away from undesired pregnancies adult females can also use birth regulate tablets, IUDs, diaphragms and so forth. Recall, if you want to have a pressure-no cost intercourse daily life, then safe and sound sex is a will need to. In no way does it consider away the enjoyment from you, instead it presents you confidence and peace of mind. Mein Englisch ist nicht so gut, jetzt noch auf deutsch!!!!!!!!!!! Zitieren
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