ryk Geschrieben 2. April 2005 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2005 This 5 function, 10 speed iPlug controller features state-of-the-art electronics that delivers an array of sensations at just the right intensity level. The iPlug vibrates, pulsates, surges, escalates, and has a vibrating function called "roller coaster." The long 7 inch flexible, pliable shaft is made of a brand new jelly like material that is flexible and clear yet firm and resilient. The iPlug vibrator has a very slim tip, which is perfect for people who are just learning to enjoy the pleasures of anal play. It then widens into a two-inch "bead", which is large enough to prevent further insertion for a beginner, or provide a wonderful, erotic fullness for those who are more experienced. Uses 3 "AA" batteries, not included. hat das jemand schon getestet ? Zitieren
nousdeux Geschrieben 3. April 2005 Melden Geschrieben 3. April 2005 ... sieht ja witzig aus das Ding - hat was vom Apple-Design an sich...Bin gespannt ... Zitieren
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