Hot Geschrieben 23. April 2004 Melden Geschrieben 23. April 2004 A TEENAGER caught stealing adult videos from a shop in Ohio, USA, will have to stand blindfolded in front of the store as part of his punishment. The bizarre sentence was passed on Jeremy Sherwood after he was found guilty of theft today. Judge Michael Cicconetti, who is known for his unusual penalties, said the youth had to serve 60 days in jail for his crime - but suspended 30 of those days. Sherwood was then given the option of spending the extra time in prison - or of courting public humiliation outside the video store. He will serve his sentence from 11am to 3pm on Saturday. The teenager was also was sentenced to 12 months of probation and 15 hours of community service, American broadcaster News Channel 5 reported. Quelle: Sun (,,2-2004190038,00.html) Zitieren
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