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Lion brothers take risky swim across crocodile-infested chan


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Despite their mighty roars, fearsome jaws, and ambush hunting tactics, lions are not well known for their swimming.Sex Dolls Other large predators are often lurking in the water, so these big cats must have a major motivation to get wet.

In February, a team of scientists documented two African lion brothers swimming across some dangerous waters in Uganda. Using high-definition cameras and heat detection cameras on drones, the team observed the males making a daring crossing of the hippopotamus and Nile crocodile filled Kazinga Channel. The record-breaking long-distance swim is detailed in a study published July 10 in the journal Ecology and Evolution.Sexpuppen Shop

[Related: Invasive ants leave lions scrambling for prey on the savannah in an ecological chain reaction.]

Jacob and Tibu’s journey
One half of this dynamic duo of lion swimmers was a local icon known as Jacob.Liebespuppen This 10-year-old lion’s claim to fame is surviving several life-threatening incidents.

“Jacob has had the most incredible journey and really is a cat with nine lives,” study co-author and Griffith University conservation biologist Alexander Braczkowski said in a statement. “I’d bet all my belongings that we are looking at Africa’s most resilient lion: he has been gored by a buffalo, his family was poisoned for lion body part trade,Teen Sex Doll he was caught in a poacher’s snare, and finally lost his leg in another attempted poaching incident where he was caught in a steel trap.”

Jacob was joined by his brother Tibu, whose survival is also significant. According to Braczkowski, they live in an area with high poaching rates where the population has been halved in only five years.

“His swim, across a channel filled with high densities of hippos and crocodiles,Reife Sexpuppen is a record-breaker and is a truly amazing show of resilience in the face of such risk,” says Braczkowski.

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