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@Sonja: Genau das war ja der Punkt weswegen Pettz bessere Haelfte und Lucia sich - sagen wir mal - uneinig waren.

Naemlich, das bei der Geburt ohne Frage, die Vagina zwar gedehnt wird, dies aber durch Hormone unterstuetzt wird, die zum einen Dehnungs-Schmerzen mindern (nur mindern, nicht verschwinden lassen!) und zum anderen das Gewebe lockern, so zumindest habe ich Lucias Post verstanden.

Hinzu kommt, das dies bei einigen Frauen halt nicht ausreicht, und mit dem Skalpel nachgeholfen werden muss.

Somit ist die Geburt zwar sicher ein Mass fuer die extreme Belastbarkeit der Vagina, aber die evtl. Unterstuetztung durch den Arzt genau so ein Zeichen dafuer, das jede Frau verscheiden ist, und mit der Verallgemeinerung: "Nen Kind passt ja auch durch!" etwas vorsichtiger umgegangen werden sollte.

Aber alles in allem, kann man die Extremsituation einer Geburt, das Hoffen auf den Spross, den man 9 Monate behuetet hat, die hormonelle Belastung? Ueberschwemmung, und der Tratra, der durch die Gesellschaft drum herum gemacht wird, nicht mit mehr oder weniger "normalen" Sex vergleichen.

Hier steht einzig der Spass am Dehnen, als Ziel im Vordergrund, wenn Frau diesen aber noch nicht gefunden hat, so bleibt nur noch der Entdeckungstrieb, etwas schmutziges, versautes, und evtl. ganz schenes zu machen.

Jetzt bleibt aber die Frage, was ist groesser, der Entdeckungstrieb, oder die Furcht, das da unten ebene doch was kaputt geht?

@Alfman: Die Vagina ist sehr wohl auch ein Eingang, wie soll den der BRaten je in die Roehre reinkommen? Nur stand auf dem Plan der Natur, wohl eher weniger, das man den Samen des Lebens, mit der eigenen Hand pflanzt. *g* Aber, wofuer sind wird Menschen vernuftbegabte Tiere?

Damit wir auch zu solch schumtzigen Dingen in der Lage sind, und Spass daran haben!


Die Scheide ist ja von Haus sehr dehnbar. Die muß man doch gar nicht dehnen.

Ich denke, dass einzige was man dehnen kann, ist der Scheideneingang.

Der kindliche Kopf in der Scheide verursacht auch keinerlei Schmerzen, das einzige was schmerzt, ist die Dehnung des Eingangs.

Und der einzige Grund für Dammschnitte ist, dass das Kind zu schnell rausgepreßt wird oder ungünstig liegt (Steißlage o.ä.).

Dammschnitte sind in Krankenhäusern sehr häufig, da die Hebammen die Geburt gern so schnell wie möglich beenden wollen, auch wenn es keine Gefahr für das Baby besteht.

Ich habe meine Kinder zu Hause geboren, bei Hausgeburten werden so gut wie nie Dammschnitte nötig. Und Risse sind auch sehr viel seltener als im Krankenhaus.


Das liegt wohl daran, das die Aerzte zuhause, halt keinen OP daneben stehen haben, und letztlich ist jeder Schnitt einer, der auch zuviel gewesen sein koennte, deshalb werden die wohl zweimal ueberlegne, ob die schnibbeln wollen, waehrend die Entscheidung im Krankenhaus einfacher ist. Ob sie das extra machen, damit Frau danach noch laenger im Krankenhaus stationaer verweilen muss, das will ich hier mal gar nicht erst unterstellen.

@Scheide - Scheideneingang: Da hab ich mich wohl falsch ausgedrueckt: Jup ich meinte den Eingang. Aber welche Koerperpartie nun tatsaechlich gemeint ist, duerfte wohl letztlich weniger das Problem sein, 7 cm sind fuer die Otto-Normal-Frau, ohne Spass am Fisten (bzw. mit noch keinem) schlicht zuviel, und koennen Angst machen.


7 cm sind auch viel, nichts gegen ein Baby, aber immerhin.

Wenn man die Querschnittsfläche von einem runden Dildo mit 7cm Durchmesser nimmt, dann kommt man auf 38,5 cm², wobei ein 6cm Dildo nur 28,3cm² Querschnittsfläche hätte.

In der Dicke sieht das nicht so wild im Unterschied aus, aber es ist ja die Querschnittsfläche, die die Öffnung der Scheide darstellt, die sie haben muss, damit es reingeht.

Pussydehnung mit 6cm Durchmesser geht noch relativ einfach, aber bei 7cm wirds wirklich schon schwer. Das braucht mehr Zeit und viel Entspannung. Und ein Unterschied macht es auch, ob sie mit Dildo gedehnt wird oder mit kegeligem Stöpsel, der sich wieder verjüngt.

Wie Sonja schrieb, innen drin ist viel Platz, aber der Scheideneingang ist das Nadelöhr. Beim Fisten ist daher auch das Problem, erstmal über diese Schwelle durchzukommen, bis die Hand über die Knöchel durchrutscht und drinn ist.

  • 1 Jahr später...

Dazu muss ich erstmal einige Erfahrungen und Fragen meinerseits los lassen :P

Mein Ex-Freund mit dem ich gelegentlich noch Sex habe hat es bereits in den 4 Jahren unserer Beziehung schon immer interessiert seine komplette Hand in meine Muschi stecken zu können (Fisten).

Jedenfalls hat es bereits in diesen 4 Jahren nie geklappt, wobei ich aber keine Probleme habe mir Dildos dieser Größe einführen zu lassen oder ähnliches, aber bei der Hand scheitert meine Muschi immer :(

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich mich da einfach zu sehr verkrampfe, was anfangs immer der Fall ist, sich aber schnell legt oder ob die Hand im abgerundeten Zustand einfach zu starr dafür ist und es daher eher Schmerzen verursacht als Lust verbreitet :(

Jedenfalls ist es aber auch sehr erotisch, wenn er sie halbwegs drin hat und dann mit vieeeel Kraft anfängt sie schneller rein und raus zu schieben, wobei man seeeeeeehr schnell zu einem heftigen Orgasmus kommt, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte :P

Überreden würde ich die Verlobte nicht besonders, ich würde es eher ausprobieren. Wenn sie vor dir liegt würde ich es langsam beginnen, sie wird schon was sagen, wenn es ihr keinen Spaß macht oder gar Schmerzen verbreitet... :)

Ausprobieren lautet die Devise! :P

Am besten eignen sich Toys, die nicht steif sind, also aus Silikon oder ähnlichem Material, die man noch leicht biegen kann und diese dann mit seeeeeeehr viel Gleitgel verwenden kann! :)

Wie fühlt es sich an??? ... Hmmm, gute Frage....

Ich würde sagen es ist ein sehr großer Druck der auf die Schamlippen übertragen wird, da diese sich in dem Moment weigen den Dildo aufzunehmen und ein wenig härter werden (meine Erfahrung)...

Aber nach einem kurzen Druckgefühl und ein wenig Zeit sowie Ablenkung die der Mann uns bereitet hat geht es uns wieder super und wir sind bereit zu neuem :)

Ein leichter Dehnschmerz kann auch lustvoll sein, wobei die Betonung auf leicht liegt....

Ist der Schmerz zu stark, dass das Toy nicht hinein will würde ich davon abraten weiter zu machen, bevor es gar zu Tränen oder einer Blutung führt :(


Und nie vergessen: was einmal drin ist, muss auch irgendwie wieder raus!

Pressen soll helfen! :)

Immerhin müssen Kinder auch irgendwie raus kommen :D


Es gibt auch ein Medizinisches Gerät, womit man die Scheide der Frau dehnen kann.

gedacht ist es für die Geburtsvorbereitung und auch für die Rückbildung nach der Geburt.

Es ist zwar etwas teuer aber wenn man sich damit gut auf die Geburt vorbereiten kann, finde ich es eine gute Erfindung.

Und ich denke mal, das man damit auch den einen oder anderen Spass haben kann, oder...???

Hier ist der Link zu dem Produkt (ich nenne es jetzt mal nicht Toy... :rolleyes:): Epino


Also meine Frau schreckt das Thema Dehnung bzw. Fisting auch ab.

Sie meint das es schon zu extrem sei und sie sich nicht vorstellen kann, das es lustvoll für sie wäre!

Mich erregt dieser Gedanke sehr sie mal zu fisten,das habe ich auch schon mal angedeutet aber da ich weiß wie sie dazu steht, spreche ich sie darauf nicht mehr an.

Das einzige was mich an der Sache irritiert ist das wir jetzt mittlerweile mit einem Dildo rumspielen der so klein dann auch nicht ist 23cm lang und 3,5cm-5cm dick standen als Maße dort als ich ihn bestellte. Dazu muß ich sagen das wir schon einen anderen haben wo 4-5cm dick ist,also vorne 4cm und hinten am Ende 5cm hat. Und sie total dabei abgeht wenn er zum Einsatzt kommt!

Wo sie den Dildo zum ersten mal sah, meinte sie das der aber schon ziemlich dick sei. Woraufhin ich sagte das der andere aber auch nicht kleiner sei aber vom Material noch angehnemer weicher !!!

Als wir ihn dann zu ersten mal ausprobierten fand sie ihn richtig Geil. Ich war natürlich am Anfang sehr vorsichtig und habe ihn nur bis zur hälfte hinein geschoben aber nach ein paar Minuten merkte ich wie sie ihr Becken immer weiter Richtung Dildo presste, bis sie ihn schließlich so weit ihn sich hatte so das ich den Dildo gerade noch heben konnte.

Als ich dann den Neuen Dildo mit dem Alten Dildo verglichen hatte bemerkte das er schon bischen dicker war. Worauf hin ich beide abgemessen habe und ich feststellte das die Angaben falsch sind.Er ist doch einen ganzen cm dicker also (6cm).

Was denkt ihr darüber, jetzt wo ich sehe das sie es doch sehr deutlich genießt manchmal sogar bis sie kommt,wenn wir mit Ihm rumspielen.

Soll ich sie noch mal aufs Thema Fisting ansprechen oder doch lieber sein lassen?


also bei meiner maus war es genau das selbe; mit der ganzen hand = nein aber mit dem "dicken " ( ich glaube, wir haben den selben. denn bei den bestelldaten stand auch 5cm und in wirklichkeit sind es 6cm ) war es bei uns genauso wie bei euch.

zuerst spielte ich sehr behutsam, und dann hat sie selbst die initiative ergriffen, und sich mit ihrem becken mir entgegengeschoben. so weit, bis er fast " bis zum anschlag " drin war. und dann ging es erst so richtig ab !

iss schon ein g...ler anblick !!!!


Tja ich glaube das mit dem fisten wird wohl bei uns nichts. Als wir Gestern sex hatten meinte Sie wir könnten auch wieder mal Spielzeug benutzen. Ich holte dann den Dildo wo etwas dicker ist, und sie fing an es sich zu machen, während ich ihren Kitzler massieren sollte. Als Sie ein paar Minuten damit rumgespielt hatte, meinte Sie das er doch etwas zu dick sei. Ihre Spalte würde immer danach brennen wenn er zum Einsatz kommt.

Also habe ich kurzer Hand den anderen geholt, und wir hatten fantastischen Sex.

Deswegen habe ich jetzt das Thema fisten abgehagt. Ist aber auch nicht so schlimm.


@ FemaleSexJunkie

Kann schon sein,weiß ich auch nicht wieso das bei dir so ist. Aber bei meiner Süßen kommt es vom Dammschnitt. Dort brennt es bei ihr wenn ihre Pussy etwas gedehnt wird !

  • 3 Jahre später...

Also meine Frau schreckt das Thema Dehnung bzw. Fisting auch ab.

Sie meint das es schon zu extrem sei und sie sich nicht vorstellen kann, das es lustvoll für sie wäre!

Mich erregt dieser Gedanke sehr sie mal zu fisten,........

Soll ich sie noch mal aufs Thema Fisting ansprechen oder doch lieber sein lassen?

Ich weiss dieser Beitrag ist schon ne ganze Weile her aber interessieren würde es mich schon ob nun aus dem Fisting mal was geworden ist. Mir gehts nämlich bei meiner Frau genauso.

Ich denke mir dass sie eher verkrampft bei dem Gedanke daran als dass es echt ein Problem des Weitens wäre. Wenn sie nämlich so beim fingern mal nicht daran denkt, dann ist eigentlich noch genug Platz und überhaupt nicht zu eng.

  • 9 Monate später...

Hi folks Folks, Just become a member of www.lovetoytest.net. I am hoping this is the perfect place to share our olpinions as well as views. Btw is "Sexspielzeug für Frauen" is the correct place to publish off topic?

When we speak about harmless intercourse we do not mean to destroy the enthusiasm and intimacy from your life. It really suggests avoiding and protecting you from the sexually transmitted conditions and lowering the threat of acquiring the infection. Harmless sex protects you versus unintended pregnancy and some frequent STDs that can be transmitted during intercourse, for example chlamydia and gonorrhoea. HIV infection is transmitted largely by means of vaginal or anal intercourse devoid of a condom. Safe sex stops you from sexually transmitted ailments and HIV.

If you have had anal, oral or vaginal intercourse and if you have shared needles then you are at a threat of HIV infection. You can enormously reduce the threat aspect of acquiring HIV infection via sexual intercourse by knowing and practicing safer sex. HIV infection is spread through system fluids this kind of as semen, blood, and vaginal/cervical secretions. Sexual pursuits that include things like direct speak to with semen, blood, or vaginal/cervical secretions are dangerous and can induce HIV infection. When sex partner consider precautions it lowers the likelihood of direct contact with all those fluids and make intercourse safer.

Safe sex is essential so as to protect the two the partners from the incurable sexually transmitted conditions. Thus it is necessary for the partners to sit with each other and focus on what birth management procedures they would choose for. It is also important to focus on if either of the associate is at a danger of an STDs. Whilst it is a fragile and tough matter to chat on however it is crucial. Therefore it is incredibly vital to seem for the suitable second to discuss on the matter. It is also crucial to be trustworthy with every other and equally crucial to be frank with just about every other. If any of the partners is sexually infected then he or she will need to be daring plenty of to notify it to the spouse and just take essential precautions. Usually persons hesitate and do not inform their intercourse partners about it if they have an HIV or STDs which is essentially a heinous crime.

The two the partners really should sit together and make selections as to what precautions they are going to get. There are a variety of birth control options. Amongst the various options the use of condoms is a excellent option as they are very successful if employed correctly. They give extra than ninety% defense in opposition to sexually transmitted disorders. The condoms have other strengths this kind of as they do not need a prescription and are simply accessible at the drug suppliers and vending machines. There are other different that also can be utilized like the capsule, IUDs, diaphragms, cervical caps, foam, a sponge, Norplant or Depo-Provera, all these are efficient in avoiding pregnancy but the DO NOT prevent STDs.

Safer sex means staying remaining nutritious and currently being wise enough to guard and avert from unplanned pregnancy and sexual ailments. It suggests taking advantage of intercourse to the fullest and at the same time exhibiting respect and care for just about every other. Safe sex is significant as health arrives above satisfaction and we owe a obligation in direction of are partners and the society.


Just about 3-four a long time in the past, individuals would have sex with multiple partners devoid of worrying about deadly conditions. They would not even use condoms. However, soon after the distribute of deadly illnesses like AIDS, Hepatitis-B and very similar infections, people today have come to be far more concerned about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In this article, we want to see how secure is what we contact risk-free-sex?

It is pretty much difficult to steer clear of sex and for that reason we will need to understand about achievable dangers of it. We will know about pitfalls and doable workarounds to decrease those threats.

Numerous people think that the phrase 'safe-sex' is equal to employing a condom. Regrettably the knowing is not suitable and this kind of assumption may well even raise the distribute of sexually transmitted sicknesses. Men and women may well believe they have insured by themselves in opposition to STDs with a condom and contain on their own with unsafe partners.

Condoms are not a hundred% trustworthy. They could possibly break and result in pregnancy or even illness transfer. On the other hand, applying condom is unquestionably recommended and it will convey down the threat of infection significantly.

We do not want to deny that condoms are a incredibly powerful safety. But STDs may well be transferred not only from sexual organs, but also from other areas of the human body like as mouth. As an illustration scenarios have been noticed in which AIDS virus has been transferred by oral intercourse. AIDS virus exists in vaginal fluids and in situation of the accidents in mouth or skin, infection might occur. In addition if there are injuries and blood in the mouth of the oral intercourse giver and no safety is applied, the virus can be transferred once more.

If you are sexually active or you guess you could possibly have sex, be convinced to have a condom with your self. Understand how to use it the right way and do not forget to use it. It will get 30 seconds to place on a condom while steering clear of it might have an affect on your entire living. First rule and the most important a single, is to use a condom when obtaining intercourse. If you are a female, do not concur on getting intercourse without a condom at any situations. Obtaining intercourse with various persons at a time utilizing a single condom is also really hazardous and unacceptable.

It is quite significant to have medical related exams before setting up a relationship specifically a lengthy expression a person which boosts the selection of sexual encounters and possibility of disease transfer. Also just take in brain that some of the diseases will need time to look on exams after the infection. For illustration AIDS infection may possibly get three months to be detected.

Folks which have sexual romantic relationship with a number of partners and all those partners may well have intercourse with other partners are in superior danger. This is due to the fact a single unhealthy person may possibly transfer the illness to the full chain very swiftly. All those having intercourse with a single companion have a pretty decrease risk of becoming infected (except an individual of the partners has such sexual romantic relationship).

If you have youthful small children in property, we recommend you to educate them about over talked about facts or at least supply it to them. Educating youthful and unaware people today is perhaps the most helpful approach of lowering the spread of risky sexually transferred health conditions. Young people need to have to know the implications of having dangerous relationships. Understanding this significant stage could possibly conserve their lives.

There are lots of individuals who don't see the position of obtaining safe and sound intercourse and they argue that it requires away the satisfaction of earning really like. They are deeply improper mainly because unsafe sex, particularly with unstable partners can pose a great deal of threats to one's health. HIV and sexual transmitted health conditions are a single of the most really serious dangers, not to mention the truth that there are many girls who want to avoid pregnancy. Remaining healthy and creating guaranteed you never conceive babies can only be completed by adopting and placing in practice suggestions and procedures for safe and sound sex. The to begin with stage is to get informed about what secure sex suggests and about how to stay away from unique threats. You want to do this irregardless of the simple fact that you are a guy or a girl mainly because safe intercourse is the responsibility of both equally partners. It is not at all adequate to know what you are intended to do for guarding your self of HIV, STDs and an undesirable pregnancy you also have to set that information into apply.

In purchase to be capable to like safer intercourse, you have to know the instances in which viruses and conditions are transmitted. Lots of believe that that oral sex is safer and it can't infect another person with HIV. Issues are diverse simply because in particular if you have sores or open in juries in your mouth, you are pretty probably to get HIV from an infected partner by practicing oral sex. Unprotected anal sex can also distribute the virus and other infections.

Dental dam is a way of training safer sex because it keeps you away from all the infections and virus that can be transmitted as a result of oral stimulation or intercourse. It is created of latex and it can conveniently be observed in drugstores. Condoms are also 1 of the safest protective techniques. The most efficient ones are produced of latex. When making use of condoms for safer sex, you have to pay out excellent attention to donning them properly because or else they may not offer you any defense at all. It is in no way harmless to use the very same condom for training both equally vaginal and oral or anal sex. Lubricants are encouraged to be applied since they protect against condoms for breaking. Other contraceptive methods, like the pills or the diaphragm are without a doubt protecting the woman in opposition to unwanted pregnancy, but they go away the partners subjected to each HIV and other sexual transmitted illnesses.

Sex is anything that human beings are unable to stay without having at all, but it also entails the possibility of contacting a Sexually Transmitted Illness (STDs) or an unplanned pregnancy. This is wherever protected sex comes into the photograph. Harmless sex is the apply of sexual intercourse with complete safety in order to protect against STDs or pregnancy and take pleasure in the pleasure of sex as very well. Protected intercourse in no way dampens or deteriorates the satisfaction issue, in simple fact it adds confidence in the couple so that they can get pleasure from the minute with no imagining about all people nasty stuffs.

Your entire body is at a threat of contacting sexually transmitted ailments anytime there is an exchange of bodily fluids like semen, vaginal secretion or blood. These ailments are very hazardous and may well be everyday living threatening. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is one particular these incurable condition that is transmitted sexually. Other STDs incorporate hepatitis-B, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Now the question arises, how can you stay clear of contacting these diseases?

Amid the remedies, the best selection is abstinence. Abstinence is the practice of not indulging in any sexual activity with any person at all and consequently, the chance of trade of human body fluids via intercourse is nil. This system is one hundred% powerful but not at all sensible.

The escorts london up coming solution is to use a condom. A condom is a skinny latex sheath that addresses the penis and prevents the get hold of of genital fluids by acting as a barrier between them. Male condoms are very inexpensive and readily available in all drug stores and even vending machines. There are also female condoms that cover the full vaginal wall but these are high-priced and not conveniently out there. The use of condoms cuts the risk of contacting a condition by ninety% and and that of pregnancy by 95%.

1 will need to be committed in a romance and have sexual relation with only a single partner. Make convinced that your associate is absolutely free from any STDs before getting into into a sexual romance with him/her. Stay clear of sexual flings with full strangers and intercourse staff as these raise the possibility of contacting these kinds of diseases. Don't forget, condoms are not one hundred% powerful.

To steer clear of unwelcome pregnancies gals can also use birth command supplements, IUDs, diaphragms etc. Don't forget, if you want to have a tension-free of charge intercourse life, then safe and sound sex is a ought to. In no way does it consider away the enjoyment from you, as a substitute it provides you self confidence and peace of brain.


Hiya All people, Just become a member of www.lovetoytest.net. I am hoping here is the appropriate place to talk about our olpinions and as well as views. Btw is "Sexspielzeug für Frauen" is the proper place to put up off topic?

When we discuss about secure sex we do not suggest to eliminate the enthusiasm and intimacy from your living. It really implies avoiding and guarding you from the sexually transmitted ailments and lessening the danger of obtaining the infection. Safe sex safeguards you towards unintended pregnancy and some common STDs that can be transmitted all through intercourse, for illustration chlamydia and gonorrhoea. HIV infection is transmitted predominantly by vaginal or anal intercourse devoid of a condom. Secure intercourse prevents you from sexually transmitted illnesses and HIV.

If you have had anal, oral or vaginal intercourse and if you have shared needles then you are at a risk of HIV infection. You can drastically decrease the threat aspect of obtaining HIV infection through sexual intercourse by recognizing and practicing safer sex. HIV infection is distribute via physique fluids these kinds of as semen, blood, and vaginal/cervical secretions. Sexual pursuits that consist of direct contact with semen, blood, or vaginal/cervical secretions are dangerous and can trigger HIV infection. When sex companion consider precautions it lessens the chance of immediate make contact with with those fluids and make intercourse safer.

Risk-free sex is essential so as to protect both equally the partners from the incurable sexually transmitted ailments. Consequently it is important for the partners to sit collectively and explore what birth control techniques they would choose for. It is also crucial to go over if possibly of the partner is at a possibility of an STDs. While it is a delicate and difficult situation to converse on yet it is critical. Hence it is very vital to look for the suitable minute to discuss on the matter. It is also essential to be straightforward with every single other and equally important to be frank with every single other. If any of the partners is sexually contaminated then he or she must be daring ample to notify it to the associate and consider necessary precautions. Generally individuals hesitate and do not notify their intercourse partners about it if they have an HIV or STDs which is in fact a heinous crime.

Each the couples ought to sit together and make selections as to what precautions they are heading to consider. There are a range of birth command options. Amongst the several choices the use of condoms is a great choice as they are extremely powerful if utilised effectively. They give much more than 90% safety in opposition to sexually transmitted health conditions. The condoms have other positive aspects this sort of as they do not need a prescription and are very easily obtainable at the drug outlets and vending machines. There are other different that as well can be employed like the pill, IUDs, diaphragms, cervical caps, foam, a sponge, Norplant or Depo-Provera, all these are helpful in avoiding pregnancy but the DO NOT stop STDs.

Safer intercourse usually means becoming remaining nutritious and becoming intelligent sufficient to safeguard and stop from unplanned pregnancy and sexual health conditions. It suggests experiencing intercourse to the fullest and at the identical time showing respect and care for each other. Protected sex is significant as well being comes above pleasure and we owe a obligation toward are partners and the society.


Pretty much 3-4 a long time in the past, individuals would have sex with numerous partners with out worrying about deadly disorders. They would not even use condoms. Nevertheless, just after the spread of deadly sicknesses like AIDS, Hepatitis-B and identical infections, individuals have grow to be extra involved about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In this article, we want to see how safe is what we call harmless-sex?

It is nearly extremely hard to steer clear of intercourse and hence we will need to discover about possible risks of it. We will know about risks and feasible workarounds to lessen these threats.

A lot of individuals think that the phrase 'safe-sex' is equal to working with a condom. Regrettably the comprehension is not suitable and this kind of assumption may possibly even enhance the spread of sexually transmitted ailments. Folks could possibly feel they have insured on their own towards STDs with a condom and include by themselves with unsafe partners.

Condoms are not a hundred% efficient. They could possibly break and result in pregnancy or even disease transfer. However, using condom is certainly advised and it will convey down the threat of infection substantially.

We do not want to deny that condoms are a very effective defense. But STDs may be transferred not only from sexual organs, but also from other components of the system like as mouth. As an illustration conditions have been noticed in which AIDS virus has been transferred by oral sex. AIDS virus exists in vaginal fluids and in circumstance of the accidents in mouth or skin, infection may well come about. In addition if there are accidents and blood in the mouth of the oral sex giver and no safety is utilized, the virus can be transferred once more.

If you are sexually active or you guess you could have intercourse, be confident to have a condom with by yourself. Discover how to use it effectively and do not neglect to use it. It will just take thirty seconds to set on a condom though steering clear of it could possibly have an impact on your full lifestyle. Initially rule and the most essential a single, is to use a condom when possessing sex. If you are a female, do not concur on having intercourse without having a condom at any situations. Having sex with multiple people at a time using a single condom is also incredibly risky and unacceptable.

It is really vital to have professional medical exams previous to starting off a partnership specially a extensive term one particular which increases the variety of sexual encounters and threat of condition transfer. Also just take in thoughts that some of the disorders require time to appear on exams after the infection. For example AIDS infection could consider 3 months to be detected.

Men and women which have sexual relationship with multiple partners and all those partners could possibly have intercourse with other partners are in superior risk. This is mainly because a single unhealthy human being may possibly transfer the sickness to the whole chain really swiftly. All those owning sex with a single associate have a pretty reduce risk of being infected (unless a person of the partners has these kinds of sexual partnership).

If you have younger youngsters in home, we propose you to instruct them about above described info or at least give it to them. Educating youthful and unaware folks is perhaps the most efficient process of lowering the spread of hazardous sexually transferred disorders. Youthful people need to have to know the implications of obtaining dangerous relationships. Comprehension this essential position may well save their lives.

There are numerous individuals who you should not see the position of obtaining risk-free sex and they argue that it requires away the satisfaction of earning really like. They are deeply improper because unsafe sex, primarily with unstable partners can pose a good deal of threats to one's wellness. HIV and sexual transmitted health conditions are an individual of the most critical risks, not to point out the reality that there are quite a few girls who want to stay away from pregnancy. Remaining balanced and doing confident you don't conceive babies can only be executed by adopting and putting in apply tips and procedures for risk-free intercourse. The very first phase is to get informed about what risk-free sex signifies and about how to keep away from distinctive threats. You have to have to do this regardless of the truth that you are a gentleman or a female because risk-free sex is the obligation of each partners. It is not at all adequate to know what you are meant to do for guarding your self of HIV, STDs and an unwelcome pregnancy you also have to put that information into apply.

In buy to be capable to get pleasure from safer sex, you have to know the conditions in which viruses and illnesses are transmitted. Numerous believe that oral sex is safer and it are unable to infect someone with HIV. Issues are distinctive since especially if you have sores or open up in juries in your mouth, you are very probable to get HIV from an infected spouse by practicing oral sex. Unprotected anal intercourse can also spread the virus and other infections.

Dental dam is a way of training safer intercourse for the reason that it keeps you away from all the infections and virus that can be transmitted by oral stimulation or sex. It is made of latex and it can easily be found in drugstores. Condoms are also one particular of the safest protective methods. The most efficient ones are designed of latex. When applying condoms for safer sex, you have to fork out great attention to putting on them effectively because or else they may not give any safety at all. It is by no means harmless to use the identical condom for training both equally vaginal and oral or anal sex. Lubricants are advisable to be applied due to the fact they avoid condoms for breaking. Other contraceptive approaches, like the tablets or the diaphragm are without a doubt guarding the lady against undesired pregnancy, but they depart the partners uncovered to equally HIV and other sexual transmitted illnesses.

Sex is a little something that human beings are unable to stay without having at all, but it also requires the threat of contacting a Sexually Transmitted Condition (STDs) or an unplanned pregnancy. This is where risk-free intercourse arrives into the image. Risk-free sex is the apply of sexual intercourse with full defense in buy to protect against STDs or pregnancy and take pleasure in the pleasure of sex as well. Safe sex in no way dampens or deteriorates the enjoyment element, in truth it adds self esteem in the couple so that they can delight in the moment with out considering about all all those nasty stuffs.

Your system is at a chance of contacting sexually transmitted disorders each time there is an trade of bodily fluids like semen, vaginal secretion or blood. These illnesses are particularly unsafe and may perhaps be everyday living threatening. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is 1 these kinds of incurable disorder that is transmitted sexually. Other STDs contain hepatitis-B, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Now the concern arises, how can you avoid contacting these health conditions?

Among the answers, the ideal selection is abstinence. Abstinence is the practice of not indulging in any sexual exercise with any person at all and hence, the threat of trade of human body fluids as a result of intercourse is nil. This process is a hundred% helpful but not at all functional.

The escorts following solution is to use a condom. A condom is a thin latex sheath that addresses the penis and stops the speak to of genital fluids by acting as a barrier concerning them. Male condoms are very inexpensive and easily accessible in all drug stores and even vending machines. There are also female condoms that cover the total vaginal wall but these are costly and not simply accessible. The use of condoms cuts the threat of contacting a ailment by 90% and and that of pregnancy by 95%.

A person have to be committed in a relationship and have sexual relation with only an individual associate. Make convinced that your associate is free of charge from any STDs ahead of coming into into a sexual connection with him/her. Stay away from sexual flings with total strangers and sex staff as these boost the threat of contacting this sort of diseases. Recall, condoms are not 100% powerful.

To stay clear of undesirable pregnancies women can also use birth management drugs, IUDs, diaphragms and so on. Bear in mind, if you want to have a pressure-absolutely free intercourse everyday living, then safe sex is a have to. In no way does it take away the pleasure from you, rather it gives you self-assurance and peace of brain.

  • 7 Jahre später...
On 22.1.2007 at 07:02, <<FemaleSexJunkie>> said:

Kann es sein, dass das mit dem Brennen vom Material kommt?

Ich hab selbst 2 etwas größere Dildos, und mit dem Einen hab ich auch manchmal solche Probleme...

Der andere funktioniert dagegen einwandfrei, obwohl das sogar der größere von beiden ist :D

Ja , da kann ich bestätigen .

In meine Pussy kommmen nur hochwertige Dildos rein.

Silikon oder TPE geruchsloses Material.

und Gleitgel oder Fistgel auf Wasserbasis verwenden.


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