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25 year old with erectile dysfunction

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Males of all ages can have erectile dysfunction (ED), even men in their twenties. It's not just a problem for older men. If a 25 year old with erectile dysfunction , it's important to look at both physical and mental issues that might be causing it.ED in younger guys can be caused by some medical problems or ways of living. Some of these are diabetes, heart disease, being overweight, smoking, and using drugs and drinking too much. It's a good idea to talk to a doctor or nurse to rule out any underlying physical health issues.

Anxiety, sadness, stress, and other mental health problems can make it hard to be sexual. ED can be caused by problems in relationships, performance anxiety, or too much stress at work or in personal life. It might be helpful to talk to a mental health worker or sex therapist.Some medicines can have side effects that make it hard to be sexual. For those 25 years old, it's important to talk to a doctor about any prescription drugs they may be taking to see if there is a link.

 Living a healthy life with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress-reduction methods can be good for your health and may help you get and keep an erection. Abusing drugs, including recreational drugs and drinking too much alcohol can make ED worse. It might be good to limit or stay away from these drugs.

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